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TAKEPART festival

Brighton Rockers are very excited to be involved in the upcoming TAKEPART Festival!

The TAKEPART Festival is a fantastic two week showcase of hundreds events, activities and taster sessions across the city.

Growing as the largest celebration of community sport and physical activity in the country, TAKEPART 2014 will take place between 21 June - 6 July and will be crammed full of great opportunities for you, your family and friends to have fun and get active together in Brighton & Hove.

Whatever your interests, age or ability, TAKEPART gives you the chance to explore what is on offer across Brighton & Hove to help you lead an active lifestyle.

As part of the festival, we will be holding a FREE roller derby taster session on Monday 23rd June (8:30-9:30pm) at the King Alfred Leisure Centre (BN3 2WW). Come and have a skate about (over 18s only, there will be kit to borrow), and talk with our skaters, referees and non-skating officials.

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